Carsten S. from Norway booking in 2016

Carsten S. from Norway
Booking in 2016

--Original message--
By: Carsten
Sent: Tue Sep 05.01.2016, 23 16:XNUMX am
To: Elisa Santoni
Betreff: Re: BUCHUNG / MIETVERTRAG – caprese1

S Buonasera Ms. Santoni,

I have received all the papers and will get everything ready following the instructions and send it back to you after I have transferred the deposit. I assume I'll have everything ready tomorrow.

To your question, how did we become aware of this accommodation? First a search on Google, where the Toscana Forum appeared. Very neat pages, good options for limiting the search by species and region and plenty of information.

Together with your quick and structured answers, you have the feeling that everything is well organized 😉

Kind regards, Carsten

5 January 2016