Ms. Brigitte Autenrieth from Breisach (D), stay at the Terricciola 2018 winery in April 6

Ms. Brigitte Autenrieth from Breisach (D),
Stay April 2018 at the Terricciola winery 6

—–Original message via Facebook—–
By: Brigitte Autenrieth
Sent: Thu Oct 10.05.2018, 20 25:XNUMX p.m
To: 'Elisa Santoni'
Subject: Re: Feedback: Your vacation in Tuscany 2018

Hello Ms. Santoni,

Our vacation in Terriciola was very nice.

The holiday home is beautifully situated and thanks to the great weather we were able to enjoy the sunset outside almost every evening. The house was built with a lot of love, unfortunately the house is very dark due to the special construction. We also had to turn on the light in the living room during the day.

The family was very friendly and the wine tasting was a real highlight.

You can publish the text.

Best regards
Brigitte Autenrieth

Terricciola Winery 6 10 May 2018